toggle navigation about research projects writing graduate student researcher - ph.d. candidate - electrical engineer -- about i graduated with a ph.d. from uc san diego working with prof. paul h. siegel as my ph.d. thesis advisor in december 2016. my ph.d. research areas were error characterization, channel modeling and applications of modern coding techniques such as ldpc and polar codes for nand flash memories. currently, i am a research scientist at netradyne working in the fields of deep learning and computer vision. previously, i received my degree in electronics and communication engineering from the national institute of technology karnataka (nitk), surathkal in 2009 and an m.s. degree from uc san diego in 2013. i have also worked as a full-time software engineer at national instruments, india and interned at microsoft research and intel corporation. in my free time, i enjoy creating cover songs using my violin and keyboard. i also maintain an interest in the areas of data science, machine learning, web design and development. even though many of these are still under development, i thought it would be nice to let people use them, collaorate and suggest improvements. you can make suggestions by opening github issues. feel free to make pull requests as well!! -- resume github -- go to my github -- research journal publications v. taranalli, h. uchikawa, and p. h. siegel, “on the capacity of the beta-binomial channel model for multi-level cell flash memories,” ieee journal on selected areas in communications, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 2312-2324, september 2016. pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv -- &close; -- error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories -- -- @article{taranalli_2016_jsac, author = {taranalli, v. and uchikawa, h. and siegel, p. h.}, title = {on the capacity of the beta-binomial channel model for multi-level cell flash memories}, journal = {ieee journal on selected areas in communications}, volume = {34}, number = {9}, pages = {2312-2324}, month = {september}, year = {2016} } close save changes -- v. taranalli, h. uchikawa, and p. h. siegel, “channel models for multi-level cell flash memories based on empirical error analysis,” ieee transactions on communications, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3169-3181, august 2016. pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv -- &close; -- error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories -- -- @article{taranalli_2016_tcom, author = {taranalli, v. and uchikawa, h. and siegel, p. h.}, title = {channel models for multi-level cell flash memories based on empirical error analysis}, journal = {ieee transactions on communications}, volume = {64}, number = {8}, pages = {3169-3181}, month = {august}, year = {2016} } close save changes -- conference publications s. buzaglo, a. fazeli, p. h. siegel, v. taranalli, and a. vardy “permuted successive cancellation decoding for polar codes,” in proc. ieee international symposium on information theory (isit), aachen, june 2017, pp. 2618–2622. pdf -- bibtex -- ieeexplore arxiv -- slides -- s. buzaglo, a. fazeli, p. h. siegel, v. taranalli, and a. vardy “on efficient decoding of polar codes with large kernels,” in proc. ieee wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), workshop on polar coding in wireless communications: theory and implementation, 2017. pdf -- bibtex -- ieeexplore arxiv -- slides -- v. taranalli, h. uchikawa, and p. h. siegel, “error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories,” in proc. ieee international conference on communications (icc), london, june 2015, pp. 271-276. pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv -- slides -- &close; -- error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories -- -- @inproceedings{taranalli_2015, author = {taranalli, v. and uchikawa, h. and siegel, p. h.}, booktitle = {proc. ieee international conference on communications (icc)}, location = {london, uk}, month = {june}, pages = {271-276}, title = {error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories}, year = {2015} } close save changes -- -- a. bhatia, v. taranalli, p. h. siegel, s. dahandeh, a. r. krishnan, p. lee, d. qin, m. sharma, and t. yeo, “polar codes for magnetic recording channels,” in proc. ieee information theory workshop (itw), jerusalem, april-may 2015. pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv -- presentation -- -- &close; -- error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories -- -- @inproceedings{bhatia_2015, author = {bhatia, a. and taranalli, v. and siegel, p. h. and dahandeh, s. and krishnan, a. r. and lee, p. and qin, d. and sharma, m. and yeo, t.}, booktitle = {proc. ieee information theory workshop (itw)}, location = {jerusalem, israel}, month = {april-may}, title = {polar codes for magnetic recording channels}, year = {2015} } close save changes -- v. taranalli and p. h. siegel, “adaptive linear programming decoding of polar codes,” in proc. ieee international symposium on information theory (isit), hawaii, june-july 2014, pp. 2982–2986. pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv slides -- -- &close; -- error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories -- -- @inproceedings{taranalli_2014, author = {taranalli, v. and siegel, p. h.}, booktitle = {proc. ieee international symposium on information theory (isit)}, location = {hawaii, usa}, month = {june-july}, pages = {2982-2986}, title = {adaptive linear programming decoding of polar codes}, year = {2014} } close -- close save changes -- workshop presentations v. taranalli, h. uchikawa, and p. h. siegel, “channel models for multi-level cell flash memories based on empirical error analysis,” presented at the 7th annual non-volatile memories workshop (nvmw), san diego, march 2016. [peer reviewed] pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv -- slides v. taranalli, e. yaakobi, and p. h. siegel, “error characterization and comparison of eccs on mlc and tlc flash memories," presented at flash memory summit (fms), santa clara, august 2014. pdf bibtex ieeexplore arxiv -- slides the following copyright notice applies to the articles above that have been published by the ieee: ©1982-2016 ieee. personal use of this material is permitted. however, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the ieee. projects -- commpy -- github -- commpy is an open source python toolkit providing implementations of fundamental digital communication and error correction coding algorithms. its includes features such as viterbi and map decoders for convolutional codes, bcjr decoder for turbo codes, binary galois field implementation, functions to create all possible generator polynomials for a (n, k) cyclic code. -- cmrr-star website -- cmrr-star website -- i recently developed a python flask based website for maintaining student, publication, hardware/software data and photos for my research group (cmrr-star) at uc san diego. the website uses a sqlite db and twitter bootstrap for the front end design. personal projects -- contact me -- name email address phone number message send -- -- cmrr-star website commpy is an open source python toolkit providing implementations of fundamental digital communication and error correction coding algorithms. its includes features such as viterbi and map decoders for convolutional codes, bcjr decoder for turbo codes, binary galois field implementation, functions to create all possible generator polynomials for a (n, k) cyclic code. misc -- client: start bootstrap date: 2016-05-28 00:00:00-07:00 service: web development -- close commpy commpy is an open source python toolkit providing implementations of fundamental digital communication and error correction coding algorithms. its includes fea